Found in 40 Collections and/or Records:
Accessions to the Herbarium of the University of Pennsylvania
A.H. Clark Mayfly Data
This collection contains lab research notes from A.H. Clark, dating 1977-2005, that were being stored in the LMSE.
Alfred E. Schuyler Papers
ANSP museum specimen collection donation records
The early daily records in book form, as 'Curator's books," the weekly sheets, 'Additions to the Museum," and the Wurtz' card file "Donations to the Museum" are preserved in this collection.
Mildred Appel drawings
Pen-and-ink drawings of plants in family Scrophulariaceae, from West Indies, Central and South America. Unsigned but ascribed to Appel on basis of known work and employment by Academy.
Transferred to Academy Archives by A.E. Schuyler of the Botany Department on Dec. 12, 1962.
Botanical Pictures Album 1911: Excursions in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, 1911-1912
The Mabelle Campbell photograph collection includes six photo albums, thirty-nine loose photos, two Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Hiking Club Lists, and nine pamphlets from the Leidy Microscopical Club. The albums, photos, and papers document excursions of the Delaware Valley Naturalists Union from 1894-1939. According to a conversation with Mrs. Campbell in 1980, most of the photographs were taken by Harold Palmer
This collection is arranged chronologically.
Botanical Trips Photo Album, 1915-1933
The Mabelle Campbell photograph collection includes six photo albums, thirty-nine loose photos, two Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Hiking Club Lists, and nine pamphlets from the Leidy Microscopical Club. The albums, photos, and papers document excursions of the Delaware Valley Naturalists Union from 1894-1939. According to a conversation with Mrs. Campbell in 1980, most of the photographs were taken by Harold Palmer
This collection is arranged chronologically.
Botanical Trips Photo Album, 1934-1937
The Mabelle Campbell photograph collection includes six photo albums, thirty-nine loose photos, two Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Hiking Club Lists, and nine pamphlets from the Leidy Microscopical Club. The albums, photos, and papers document excursions of the Delaware Valley Naturalists Union from 1894-1939. According to a conversation with Mrs. Campbell in 1980, most of the photographs were taken by Harold Palmer
This collection is arranged chronologically.