John Torrey Collection of Letters
Scope and Contents
Originally assembled by Torrey as an autograph collection from which a series was chosen for the Academy, perhaps purchased by John Redfield who combined it with the Elias Durand collection of 109 letters and enlarged it to the present proportions. Most of the letters are dated 1809-1859, with six earlier and two later ones. A typescript index and a microfilm copy of the originals are on file, Analyzed from A through J only.
- 1765-1894
- Majority of material found within 1809-1859
- Torrey, John (Person)
0.6 linear feet (285 items in 1 box)
Language of Materials
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Gift of Elias Durand, 1952 and John H. Redfield.
Signers: Abbot, John, 1814; Adelung, Frederick von, 1818; Agardh, C. A. 1819; Agassiz, Louis, 1850; Aikin, Wm. E. A. 1833; Alger, Francis, 1842; Alibert, Jean Louis Martie Aliber, baron, n. d.; Arnott, George A. Walker, (2) 1839- 50; Bache, Alex. Dallas, 1829; Bachman, John, 1854; Bailey, Jacob Whitman, 1852; Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 1853; Balbi, Adriano, 1832; Baldwin, Wm, Coll. 364 (cont.) 1816; Barbe-Marbois, Francois Marquis de, 1827; Barlow, Joel, 1812; Barratt, Joseph, 1834; Barton, Benjamin Smith, 1795; Bartram, Wm., 1765; Beck, Lewis Caleb, 1841; Beck, Theodoric Romeyn, 1832; Bennett, Edward Turner, 1834; Bennett, ~ohnJo seph, 1840; Bentham, George (2) 1845-49; Biddle, Nicholas, 1827; Bigelow, Jacob, 1854; Bigelow, John Milton, 1852; Blake, William Phipps, 1854; Bonaparte, Joseph, 1818; Booth, Francis (2) 1845-51. Bory de Saint-Vincent, J. B. C. M. 1846; Bowerbank, James Scott, 1871; Brackenridge, William Dunlop, 1850; Brereton, John A. 1834; Brongniart, Charles, 1822; Buckland, Wm, n. d.; Buffon, George Louis Leclerc, 1774; Burrowes, Thomas Henry, 1837; Carey, Mathew, n. d.; Cass, Lewis, 1834; Chapman, Alvan Wentworth, 1851; Cleaveland, Parker, 1845; Clapp, Asabel, 1839; Clinton, De Witt, 1817 ( ?); Clinton, Geo. William, 1828; Collin, Nicholas, 1823; Collins, Zaccheus (2) 1823; Conarroe, George M. 1859; Cooper, Thomas, 1819; Correa da Serra, Jose Francisco, 1822; Court de Gebelin, Antoine, 1783; Cresson, Elliott, 1825; Croom, Hardy Bryan, 1836; Curtis, Moses Ashley (2) 1845-52; Dacier, Bon Joseph, 1827; Dana, James Dwight, 1854; Darby, John, 1836; Darlington, William, 1847; Decaisne, Joseph, 1852( ?); De Kay, James Ellsworth, 1825; Delessert, Benjamin, baron, 1840; Beleuze, Joseph Phillips Francois, 1829; Dewey, Chester ( 3) 1826-37; Dix, Dorothea Lynde, n. d.; Dowler, Bennet, 1884; Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1851; DuPont de Nemours, M. 1815; Eaton, Amos, 1840; Ecker, Alexander, 1850; Elliott, Stephen, 1824; Emmons, Ebenezer (2) 1837-47; Engelmann, George (3) 1846-50; Espy, Josiah Murdock, 1822; Everett, Edward, 1834; Fensholme, G. W. 1837; Fischer, Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von (2) 1841- 42; Flourens, Pierre, 1838; Fowler, L. 1824; Franklin, Benjamin, 1848; Fremont, John Charles (2) 1848-50; Gasparr ini, Guglielmo, 1838; Gerando, Auguste, baron de, 1828; Gliddon, George Robins, 1842; Godman, John Davidson, 1827; Goetze, Peter Otto von, 1827; Gould, John, 1847; Grammery, M. n. d.; Gray, Asa, 1828; Gray, John Edward, 1830; Green, Jacob, 1832; Greville, Robert Kaye, 1831; Griffith, Robert Eglesfeld, 1820; Griscom, John Hoskins, 1853; Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume, 1843; Guyot, Arnold Henry, 1854; Haidinger, Wilhelm Karl von, 1853; Hall, Basil, 1829; Hall, James (2) 1841-46; Hare, Robert (2) 1834; Harvey, William Henry, 1851; Hembel, William (3) 1849-50; Herschel, Sir John Frederick William, 1860; Higgins, William Mullinger, 1832; Hitchcock, Edward ( 2) 182 1- 35; Holbrook, John Edwards, n. d.; Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 1823; Horsford, Eben Morton, 1853; Hosack, David, 1826; Houghton, Douglass, 1832; Humboldt, Alexander von, 1833; Humboldt, Wilhelm, freiherr von, 1831; Hutton, William, 1831; Irving, Washington, 1832; Jardine, Sir William, 1847; Jefferson, Thomas, 186 Coll. 364 (cont.) 1815; Johnstone, James Finlay Weir, 1838; Jomard, Edme Francois, 1830; Jullien, Auguste, 1831; Jussieu, Adrien de, 1852; Kane, E. K. 1851; Keating, Wm. H. (2) 1822-27; Kent, James, 1824; Klaproth, M. H. 1824; Krusenstern, A. J. von, 1836; Kunze, J. 1843; Lacepede, Bernard Germain Etienne, comte de 1808; Lapham, Increase Allen, 1837; Lehmann, J. G. C. (2) 1845-46; Lepieur, R. 1852; Liebar, Francis, 1829; Lincklaen, Ledyard, 1853; Lindley, John, 1841; Lindsley, J. B. 1855; Loudon, J. C. (2) 1834-41; Lovering, Joseph, 1855; Mackay, James Townsend, 1842; Maclure, William, 1820; Marcou, Jules, 1855; Marcy, R. B. n. d.; Marshall, Judge John, 1827; Martile, G. A. 1854; Martius, K. F. P. von, 1845; Mather, W. W. 1828; Michelotti, Jean, 1841; Mignet, Francois Aguste Marie Alexis, 1828; Mitchill, Samuel L. 1815; Monticelri, Teodoro, 1828; Morse, Sam. F. B. 1847; Morton, Samuel George, 1850; Muhlenberg, Henry, 1792; Nicollet, J. N. 1841; Nuttall, Thomas (2) 18 50; Oakes, William (2) 1826-41; Olmsted, Denison, 1842; Olney, St. T. 1845; Ord, George, 1843; Paravay, Chas. de, 1840; Pardessus, M. 1825; Parry, Charles C. 1852; Pedersen, Dr. 1840; Porcher, Francis P. 1846; Peter, Robert, 1837; Pickering, Charles (2) 1828-51; Poinsett, Joel Roberts, 1828; Prescott, Th. H. 1843; Priestley, Joseph, 1802; Prinsep, James, 1833; Puzos, M. 1832; Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques, 1839; Quincy, Josiah, 1834; Raffeneau-Delile, Alire, 1822; Rafinesque, C. S. ( 5) 1802-32; Ramsey, David, 1790; Renard, Dr. 1853; Remusat, J. P. Abel, 1827; Riddle, John Leonard, 1840; Rives, W. C. 1832; Robiguet, M. 1837; Rosser, Bernard, 1854; Rutledge, J. 1806; St. Hilaire, Geoffroy, 1831; Salvandi, Narcisse Achille, 1845; Sartwell, H. P. 1849; Say, Thomas, 1828; Schlechtendall, D. E. L. 1845; Schoolcraft, Henry R. 1850; Schweinitz, Lewis D. de, 1829; Seybert, Adam, 1821; Shaler, William, 1828; Short, C. W. (3) 1831-34; Silliman, Benjamin (3) 1828-50; Silliman, Benjamin, Jr. 1853; Sparks, Jared, 1825; Spencer, Charles A. 1851; Sprengel, Anton, 1820; Stansbury, Howard, 1852; Story, Joseph D. 1841; Strickland, William, 1839; Sturm, Jacob, n. d.; Sullivant, William S. (3) 1841 - 52; Swainson, William, 1827; Tenore, Michel, n. d.; Thacher, Peter A. 1834; Thompson, Zadock (2) 1850-54; Thomson, Thomas, 1828; Tiers, M. 1840; Tommasini, Joseph, 1843; Torrey, John, 1850; Townsend, John K. 1834; Trecul, Auguste, n. d.; Trinius, Dr., 1823; Troost, Gerard, 1826; Tuckerman, Edward, 1851; Vattemere, Alexandre, 1846; Vaux, Roberts, 1834; Willemain, M. 1844; Wachtmeister, Trolle, Count, 1819; Wailes, B. L. C. 1854; Walsh, Robert, 1836; Walter, Thomas U. 1837; Ward, N. B. 1876; Warden, D. B. 1832; Washington, John, 1839; Waterton, Charles (5) 1834-65; Webb, P. B. (2) 1844; Webster, J. W. 1841; Webster, Noah, 1843; Wheaton, Henry, 1828; 187 Coll. 364 (cont.) White, William, 1824; Wied-Neuwied, Maxmillan Alexander Phillip, prinz von, 1850; Wilson, Alexander ( 6) 1806-12; Wistar, Caspar, 181 5; Wister, Charles, 1850; Wolff, Joseph, n. d.; Wright, Charles (3) 1852-53.
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University Repository
1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia PA 19103 USA
215-299-1144 (Fax)